Halloween seems to be of great importance in America and I was wondering if Native Americans also follow this tradition.
I myself have no connection to festivals such as Halloween and Carnival because they were not very important in East Frisia. But I know something similar where you go from house to house to get candy. We call it "Martini".It`s a day I looked forward to all year as a child. Then we knocked on the doors of the houses. With the glowing lanterns in our hands we sang our lantern songs. As a reward, our pockets gradually filled with goodies.
Dressing up is probably not a great passion of us East Frisians. Only on „Rosemonday“ it's part of it, but I've never really liked it. Since I worked in kindergarten, I could not avoid this spectacle. At carnival I always get my long black skirt out of the closet. I put on my lace up boots, jewelry and a large black hat and the witch is complete. Should make me thinkfull that I can assemble this outfit with my clothes at any time ;-)
But back to the Native Americans.
I found something on the internet from two youtubers who put together a fun Halloween themed video. Some of the funny comments may be based on "insider knowledge" but I love that kind of humor.
A friend of mine was so nice and sent me a link from the Delaware Nation. https://www.delawarenation-nsn.gov/trick-or-treat-event-bringing-native-american-students-together-for-halloween-fun-treats/
My question: “Whether Native Americans also celebrate Halloween” has thus been answered.